Wyn Wachhorst

The Dream of Spaceflight (Hardback) [Wyn Wachhorst - 2000]

225 pgs, 2000, Persus Books
ISBN 0-465-09057-5

A montage of reflections on the dream of spaceflight, portrayed in a series of essays. Subjects covered range from the major figures in the development of the space program, through the romantic vision in the pre-Sputnik years and the days of the moon landings, to the vision of what the future may hold and an expected rebirth in our fascination and wonder with the prospect of continued exploration.


  1. Kelper's Children: The Dream of Spaceflight
  2. The Romance of Spaceflight: Nostalgia for a Bygone Future
  3. Seeking the Center at the Edge
  4. Abandon in Place
  5. Reflexions

Price: $22.00
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